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Advisory Board

Bapon Fakhruddin

Bapon Fakhruddin

Dr Fakhruddin is an expert climate change risk assessor with 21 years’ global experience in working on disaster risk and climate resilience projects. His key areas of expertise are climate and multi-hazard risk assessment, disaster preparedness, early warning and emergency response and coastal community resilience. He has designed climate change and disaster response projects for more than 30 countries in Asia, Caribbean, Africa and the Pacific.

During his career, Dr Fakhruddin helped to design major international multi-hazard early warning systems for floods, cyclone and tsunami to save life and property damage. His most high profile work has been developing multi-hazard warning systems including a tsunami warning system for Indian Ocean countries following the deadliest one in history - the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami. Bapon is a co-author of the International Science Council Working Group Report on the UNDRR Sendai Mid-Term Review. His current role is Water Sector Lead, Division of Mitigation and Adaptation, Green Climate Fund.


University College London WRC.

The UCL Warning Research Centre (WRC) is a joint venture between the Department of Science and Technology Studies and the Institute of Risk and Disaster Reduction focusing on all aspects in relation to warnings for all forms of risks and disasters.

Founded in 2020, the WRC is an interdepartmental centre bringing together expertise already established at UCL with warning expertise at universities globally to work with businesses, government, non-governmental, and intergovernmental organisations to address the growing need for effective warning and alert systems via cutting-edge research, policy guidance, applications, and collaborative expertise. WRC is transforming research into warnings and alert solutions by being strongly interdisciplinary and innovative.